Office Design Experts

Office Design Experts


Office Design Experts
Office Design Experts
Linesystems challenged the agency's technical packaging team to create a work tool with a minimalist but highly qualitative design that reflects the rigor and technical quality of what the company produce and develops daily.

The solution presented was a portable suitcase, whose creative inspiration comes from the cuts and vertical lines of the pieces that the brand produces, as well as the rail systems, which are used to support the glass.

Office Design Experts
  • Office Design Experts
  • Office Design Experts
  • Office Design Experts
  • Office Design Experts

After the concept was approved, production tests and material selection came, which in this case was Valcromat, stainless steel hardware and handles, materials frequently used in the design of office spaces.
As you can see in the pictures the lines are 3mm carved in the wood, using lasercut technology and the logo printed on the top.
The interiors were designed with different slots, because each range has a different profile. The client can change it according his need of fitting different pieces.
Proudly we have overcome a quite different challenge!

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