The heart of Melo Family for 400 years

The heart of Melo Family for 400 years

Vegan & Organic Wines

The heart of Melo Family for 400 years
The heart of Melo Family for 400 years
Julia Kemper - In The heart of Melo Family for 400 years - definitely this brand has a long history and legacy to take care and Julia Kemper, challanged us to work together and develop this hard task.
So, let's talk about the work, knowing that before we all went into the agency, we have spent time walking in the vineyard, visting the cellar, making pictures of relevant details and offcourse tasting the wines and listening from Julia Kemper which was the essence of each of them.
The heart of Melo Family for 400 years
  • The heart of Melo Family for 400 years
  • The heart of Melo Family for 400 years
  • The heart of Melo Family for 400 years

We start on the brand facelift, which we kept almost intact, specially the well known "JK" icon, adding small finishing details inspired in the vision and personality of Julia Kemper.

In terms of the typography we can not say the same, the goal was to create a strong, clean and impactful reading as well relevance in the label, together with a short and targeted claim "Family Vineyards"  

The product range was reestructured and along with it a new color scheme was created to identity clearly the evolution of the range. As you can see, most of the labels have shadow of buttlerflies and leafs of plants that you can find in the property gardens or even in the vineyards.

But, that its not all, because a new product segment was illustrated with graphic elements to reinforce the Bio and Vegan Wines concept, usign the animals that live in harmony in the natural ecosystem that we can find in the vineyards and florest surrounding.

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